Level A5 - English Language
Topics & Worksheets

Topic 1. Vocabulary

01. Word A Day
02. Digraphs
03. J and Ch Sounds
04. Silent Letters
05. Double Consonants
06. Syllables
07. Word Families
08. Suffixes
09. Greek and Latin Suffixes
10. Greek and Latin Prefixes
11. Prefixes - Mis, Un, Re, and Pre
12. Prefixes - Il, Im, In, and Ir
13. Prefix - Dis
14. Prefixes- De and Ex
15. More Prefixes
16. More Prefixes - 2
17. Prefixes Practice
18. Plurals
19. More Plurals
20. Irregular Plurals
21. Irregular Plurals - 2
22. Synonyms - 1
23. Synonyms - 3
24. Synonyms - 2
25. Synonyms - 4
26. Word Meanings
27. Antonyms
28. Homonyms, Homophones and Homographs
29. Homonyms
30. Homophones
31. Homographs
32. Homophones: two and too and to
33. To and Too
34. Find the Right Word
35. Vocabulary
36. Vocabulary - 1
37. Vocabulary - 2
38. Vocabulary - 3
39. Vocabulary - 4
40. Vocabulary - 5
41. Vocabulary - 6
42. Usage - More or Most
43. Identify the Word
44. Frequently Confused Words
45. Words Often Confused
46. Name the Word
47. Unscramble the Word
48. Similes
49. Metaphors
50. Idioms
51. Idioms - 2
52. Word Origins
53. Classifying
54. Review Test - Spelling and Vocabulary - Level 5

Topic 2. Grammar

01. Capitalization
02. Capitalization - 2
03. Capitalization - 3
04. Capitalization - 4
05. Capitalization - 5
06. Punctuation Marks
07. Punctuation - Comma (,)
08. Punctuation - Commas in Series
09. Punctuation - Quotation Marks ('' '')
10. Punctuation - Period (.)
11. Punctuation - Exclamation (!)
12. Punctuation - Question Mark (?)
13. Punctuation - Apostrophe (')
14. Punctuation - Semicolon (;)
15. Punctuation - Colon (:)
16. Punctuation - Hyphen (-), Dash (—)
17. Punctuation - Parentheses ( )
18. Parts Of Speech Review
19. Parts of Speech - 2
20. Parts of Speech - 3
21. Parts of Speech - 4
22. Parts of Speech - 5
23. Nouns as Subjects, Direct Objects, and Indirect Objects
24. Subjects and Nouns
25. Proper and Common Nouns
26. Abstract and Concrete Nouns
27. Plural Nouns
28. Verbs
29. Action Words - 2
30. Subjects and Verbs
31. Direct Objects
32. Indirect Objects
33. Kinds of Verbs
34. Verb Tense
35. Verb Tense - Present, Past, and Future
36. Verb Tense - 2
37. Verb Tense - Progressive Forms
38. Principal Parts of Verbs
39. Irregular Verbs
40. Be - As a Helping Verb
41. Be - As a Linking Verb
42. Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
43. Contractions with Verbs
44. More Verbs
45. Pronouns
46. Pronouns - 2
47. Kinds of Pronouns
48. Pronouns as Objects
49. Possessive Pronouns
50. Relative and Interrogative Pronouns
51. Indefinite Pronouns
52. Gender and Number of Pronouns
53. Pronouns as Subjects
54. Pronouns and Direct Objects
55. Pronouns and Indirect Object
56. Pronouns Review
57. Adjectives
58. Comparing with Adjectives: Positive - Comparative - Superlative
59. Adverbs of Time, Place, and Manner
60. Comparing with Adverbs
61. Adjectives and Adverbs
62. Prepositions
63. More About Prepositions
64. Conjunctions
65. Types of Conjunctions
66. Articles
67. Statements and Questions
68. Sentences and Fragments
69. Commands, Requests and Exclamations
70. Kinds of Sentences - Assertive, Imperative, Interrogative, Exclamatory
71. Fragments, Run-ons, and Compound Sentences
72. Declarative and Imperative
73. Subjects and Predicates
74. Compound Subjects and Compound Predicates
75. Clauses and Phrases
76. Review Test - Grammar Level 5

Topic 3. Reading Comprehension

01. Read and Summarize a Book
02. Reading Maps
03. Reading Maps - 2
04. Following Directions - Our World
05. Reading for Directions
06. Reading Skills: A Newspaper Index
07. Reading and Writing Classified Ads
08. Facts and Opinions
09. Cause and Effect
10. Animal Sayings - 1
11. Animal Sayings - 2
12. Animal Sayings - 3
13. Main Idea
14. Reading For Details
15. Non-fiction Reading - Volcanoes
16. Comprehension: Newton's Laws of Motion
17. Abraham Lincoln
18. Reading Poetry - The Little Doll
19. Reading Poetry - Full Moon
20. Reading Poetry - The Blind Boy
21. Reading Poetry - Baby Dear
22. Genres: Myths and Fables
27. The Ransom of Red Chief
28. Review Test - Reading Comprehension Level 5

Topic 4. Writing

01. Reference Skills
02. Idioms and Sayings
03. Idioms and Sayings - 2
04. Idioms and Sayings - 3
05. Figurative Language - Simile
06. Figurative Language - Metaphors
07. Figurative Language - Personification
08. Figurative Language - Hyperbole
09. Topic Sentence and Supporting Sentences
10. Writing Practice - Blank Sheet
11. Writing Classified Ads
12. Writing Descriptive Sentences
13. Repairing Run-on Sentences
14. Comparing and Contrasting
15. Writing Friendly Letters
16. Writing Opinions
17. Writing a Summary
18. Writing a Story: Using a Mind Map
19. Writing Process Steps
20. Writing Process Steps - Doing Research
21. Writing Process Steps - Revising and Editing
22. Writing About a Theme
23. Writing Prompts for Grades 3-5
24. Review Test - Writing Level 5

Topic 5. Other Topics & Review Tests

01. Vocabulary Review
02. Spelling Quiz - 2
03. Grammar Review 1
04. Final Review Test
05. Homework - Find Nouns
06. Homework - Find Pronouns
07. Homework - Find Verbs
08. Homework - Find Subjects, Direct Objects, and Indirect Objects
09. Homework - Find Nouns and Categorize
10. Homework - Find Adjectives
11. Homework - Find Adverbs
12. Homework - Find Prepositions
13. Homework - Find Conjunctions
14. Homework - Find Interjections